this is how are you to my come watching lala this is good morning to my come watching my show what are you doing to my come watching lala what is think to my come watching lala —— this is my love to my come watching myself this is my life to my come watching myself why you love i to my come watching lala yes? no,ok!want to my come watching lala —— love.i like love. life.i want life. see you.i can't see you. let's go.let's go future. —— do i love you can have it? if i think you love everybody. but i want to do you love to mine. so at today i must see you again. —— 燃烧火焰、点亮这个世界 花开花谢、野草永不毁灭 时间无限、生命却很有限 今 一别、我们就这样分别 —— love.i like love. life.i want life. see you.i can't see you. let's go.let's go future. —— do i love you can have it? if i think you love everybody. but i want to do you love to mine. lala is everything to me. —— 归 落叶、风花 着雪月 一次誓言、坚守永恒不变 如何讲解、我对你的 恋 转瞬之间、我们就这样再见WEDaliAN.COm |